Core Values

INTERGRITY: Acting in an honest, fair accountability and transparent manner.

FIDELITY OF LAW: Respecting and applying the law consistently and impartially.

COMMITMENT & PROFESSIONALISM: Maintaining highest standard of achievement and working competently, skilfully and ethical.

COURAGE: Enforcing the anti-corruption laws firmly and without fear or favour.

EXCELLENCE IN SERVICES: Upholding highest standards in our services delivery to all.

TEAM WORK: Building cooperate ideas to fully tap the rich and multi-skilled human resource base of the Authority to achieve our mandate.

COOPERATION: Engage the society, public and private sectors and international community.

Expected Responsibilities to Each Individual

  1. Not to give or receive bribe
  2. Educate others on effect of corruption and economic crimes
  3. Be trustfully and honest in service delivery
  4. Report corruption and economic crimes to ZAECA and other responsible institutions
  5. Respect and protect public properties
  6. Demand receipt in business transaction
  7. Avoid engaging in corrupt practice
  8. Never falsify a claim
  9. Be ready to cooperate

ZAECA Assures

  1. High cooperation
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Expediency
  4. Integrity and competence